Ligue contre le cancerSoutenir la Ligue


Thanks you very much for your donation for the action #makeitbold initiated by Daniel Turchi. Your valuable contribution will support research projects against cancer in the pediatric field.

You will receive an email summarizing your donation. You can use it for your tax declaration 2018.

A global thank you letter will be prepared by the «League against cancer» together with Daniel Turchi and will be sent to you and the other participants at the end of the action. (Early March 17)


Warm regards, 

Daniel Turchi

Nous avons bien reçu votre don et vous en remercions sincèrement.

Service des dons

Tél. : 0844 80 00 44
Courriel :
Lu – je : de 8 h à 12 h et de 13 h 30 à 17 h
Ve : de 8 h à 12 h et de 13 h 30 à 16 h